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Farhan Afzal embodied the essence of how one should go about living life joyously and unfettered by physical ailments. He touched so many people in his short time on this earth. He prepared his parents, brother and friends to continue his legacy of being positive in all circumstances. He left a legacy of paper cranes to keep his positive message alive. Farhan’s goal was to lift everyone that he met with a positive attitude and giving heart.

Born in Mumbai India on May 2, 1999, little did we know that Farhan was born with Craniopharyngioma. He was not only a very active kid, but also a fast learner. He grew up doing everything any kid his age would do.... he loved reading, swimming, dancing and playing the saxophone. He read a book named Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes in elementary school. The story touched him deeply and since then, he started making origami.


It was in 6th grade that his symptoms started showing and we knew that something was not right. After multiple doctor visits, an MRI was scheduled and we found out that he had hydrocephalus and needed to be taken to the emergency.

He had his first surgery on October 15, 2010 and we were told that he had Craniopharyngioma. A rare brain tumor (one in a million at that time) that he was born with and it took 11 years to grow and show symptoms. Everything turned upside down. This tumor, though considered benign, came with a package. His pituitary glands had zero functions and he did not make any hormones. He was discharged with a list of medications that he would need to take daily for the rest of his life.


Farhan suffered greatly over the years through multiple surgeries, radiation, and complications that impacted his overall physical health. One time, when faced with another round of surgery, Farhan’s mother silently let her tears fall, and the lines of worry deepen to inexplicable sadness on her face. Farhan simply reached out for her hand and said, “Mom…God is doing this so that we can be stronger. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine”. Seeing him taking all these challenges so well, we had to pull ourselves together, gather our strength so that we can support him and ourselves to continue this journey with positivity.

Another time, a friend visited Farhan in the hospital just before his passing. She was shocked at how young and frail Farhan looked in the hospital bed, and her emotions flowed. Farhan simply lifted his weary head and waved his friend to come near. He gently embraced her and flashed his smile to let her know that she needed to be positive for the rest of her life, despite any suffering or hardship. In the end, Farhan’s physical body rested, but his spirit continues to touch many lives.

Sadly, Farhan left us on March 4, 2019 but his Maker is surely saying “Well done my son… WELL DONE!”.

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